Wednesday 29 July 2009

It's gonna be expensive

More details to follow but rough costs from Shaun to work around the bloody waste pipe is £5K - eeek


  1. omg! What have they got to do? Why is it so expensive? Loving the blog it's exciting to watch. Hope you all ok Lou x x x

  2. Yep, we have contigency for this (thank goodness). And even the delay isn't too bad as it's not like we're living in a caravan with 2 kids and a cat with metal bolts sticking out its leg (my Sisters situation when they were building their house)

  3. Lou - see more recent post of what they have to do - it's the depth of the piers/piles that cause the expense. Two metres deep means dangerous, slow and expensive.

  4. Wow - if the waste pipe is really that bloody, then I think that £5k is cheap. Where I come from getting rid of body parts is a lot more expensive. Are you sure these guys are reliable?
