Monday, 20 July 2009

Day 15 - Bad News

Late today Shaun called with bad news, the big concrete mystery hole is live mains drainage. It's the drain for the big house 3 doors down.

The boys had carried on digging today when one of them broke through and got covered in "effluent" - yuk! Although Shaun may have used another term!

The water at the bottom of the hole which they had assumed was just the water table, wasn't!

So this means more complication and expense. Tomorrow the drain will have to be surveyed (£200) with a 30 metre camera and the building inspector (Gail) will have to approve the solution.

1 comment:

  1. That's not good. Perhaps you could make it into a "water feature"??? Seriously, I hope it gets sorted for you without too much expense.
