Sunday, 7 February 2010

Day 117 - Bathroom updates

Those expensive taps have been fitted
Bath fill and shower head (for cleaning/rinsing)

Basin tap

Shower (you can just see the remote shower starter on the left)

Bathroom is really coming together now...

Tap in the ensuite


  1. All looking good, I love the graduated mosaic tiles. Your shower fitting looks to be the same as mine - an Aqualisa. If it is, make sure you get a couple of spare shower head holders, they break (or at least I have broken a few). Part number 215002, approx. £40 retail, or do a quick search on ebay for them. They are guaranteed for 2 years, so the other choice is to make sure you keep receipt and go back to your plumbers merchant.

  2. Yep, they are Aqualisa - Thanks for the tip - will be sure to go back to Grahams if they don't last the two years!
